Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Key Is Moderation...

I've come to realize that diet and exercise can't be an all or nothing kind of thing.

My will power is at it's very worst late night/early morning.  I don't know if it has something to do with being tired or sleepy or what not, but cravings seem to hit and I just don't have the stamina to fight them off during those hours.

But, the other day, something clicked for me.  Diet and exercise doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing.

I have a tendency to go to extremes, which, when it comes to my health, means that I am either a lazy, gluttonous slob or I am a Jillian Michaels wannabe.

The trick is compromise.

I think, one of the reasons my midnight cravings are so hard to deny is because I spend so much of my energy denying myself in the daytime hours.  I exhaust myself, telling myself I can't have *ANY* of the "junk food" that I want for most of my waking hours and then, BAM, darkness falls and my subconcious is shrieking "WANT JUNK FOOD" so badly that I can't think straight.

I thought that allowing myself a little bit would be a mistake, because I'd only want more.  And, that is true to a degree.  But the difference is that it is easier to tell myself that I can't have more than it is to tell myself that I can't have any at all.

For example, I worked as a cashier today and there was a woman in my line who was happily sipping on Pepsi in a clear cup with a clear straw and I suddenly wanted Pepsi so bad that I was practically drooling.

So, on my break, I bought a refillable fountain cup and filled it with Pepsi.  It tasted good and triggered that automatic desire for more...but the guilt began to set in just enough that I threw away the cup and forewent my free refills.

Had I not given in to just a little temptation, I would more than likely be driving to McDonald's at midnight to buy two large Cokes and then chugged them down before drowning guilt and self loathing.

I've heard it said a billion times that the trick to diet and exercise is moderation and I've always scoffed at the idea.  Or, I would think moderation meant scheduling a "cheat day" or some grand notion like that.  But, it's the little things - like a 150 calorie soda "binge" - that just may help to cure me of the crazy, gluttonous midnight munchies.

At least...I hope so.

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