Thursday, June 6, 2013

There Is No Good Time...

I know I said it previously, but I'm coming to believe more and more that there is no "good time" to start a diet, or no "right time" to exercise.

Since being dumped by my ex, I'm been in a bit of a funk.  Luckily, it hasn't triggered a more severe depression...just the normal, single girl kind of blues.  Still, this funk has clung to me and been difficult to shake and is a big reason why I've had such a roller coaster week when it comes to adhering to my diet.  While I'm feeling bad about myself, or insecure or worthless, it's really hard to put the energy into caring about what I eat.  I haven't done too bad, but there have been some notable slip-ups.

Today, I was feeling pretty good about myself.  I kept under my calorie goal yesterday AND went to the gym for a 30 minute work out (tore up my last pair of sneakers in the process, but it was worth it).  Then, before I went to bed, I packed a healthy breakfast and lunch so that I'd be prepared for the day today.  I'm proud to say that - even with an unexpected family dinner at Applebee's, that I came in at just over 1,200 calories today (the "healthy" minimum for an adult)...and there was still room for jello!

I've also begun to find a healthy place in regards to the end of my last relationship.  I've started to look at the greater what I want in the years ahead, at what makes me happy, at what is best for me...and I'm coming to accept that my exboyfriend was not it.  There is still some anger and resentment, but I feel like I'm finally working towards letting it go.

But, while taking pride in these tiny little accomplishments, I'm reminded that - in life - the good will always come with the bad.

Today I learned that - after a life long battle with severe depression - my Aunt gave in and took her life.  My uncle - my dear, sweet, kind, good hearted, hard working uncle - woke up to find his wife of many, many years had passed away as he slept.  My Aunt had been really struggling lately - in and out of hospitals that kept hoping they were finally getting her adjusted to new medications and dosages - overdosed last night before laying down by my Uncle's side to fall asleep for the last time.

She leaves behind my cousin, cousin-in-law and two granddaughters, as well as numerous extended family members such as myself.

So, for you, my beloved Chubby Chasers, please take this as a reminder that THERE IS NO GOOD TIME.  Don't wait for "next week" to live a better life - a diet started on Wednesday is just as significant as a diet started on Sunday.  Don't wait for your parents to be healthier, or your broken heart to mend or for life to be all sunshine and roses, because such things are luxuries in this life.  Seize the day and make it what you want it to be.  Seize the day and be IN THIS MOMENT who you want to be.  Stop waiting for "some day".  Stop waiting for it to get easier.  Stop waiting till life is stable and you're happier.  If you want things to change, you have to do the work and there is no better time to start than the present, because tomorrow is promised to no one.

RIP Aunt Liz.  Obviously, you were loved much more than you knew.

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