Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 43: Introducing, ChuChi 2.0!!!

I realized this morning that I tend to make mental notes on my walks about things that I want to tell you guys.  I don't commune with nature.  I don't tune out the world and turn off my inner dialogue to destress.  Usually, I'm not even sure I'm present enough to wave to the people I pass along the way.  Nope - instead, I spend 30 minutes or so thinking "Oh, I'm gonna tell everyone this," or "Oh, I have a terrific question for my Chubby Chasers!" or "Don't forget to tell them blah, blah, blah."

So, even when I'm not actively talking to you, updating my FB page or blogging, I carry each and every one of with you with me throughout the day.  When I'm proud of something, you all silently applaud me in my head.  When I'm having a rough spot, I anticipate the kind, supportive, comforting or encouraging words that you all have waiting for me.  And, when I don't have the will power to push myself, you all coax and cheer me on.  I've spent 30 years looking for the magic diet or work out or gym or pill that would solve my weight problem, but I'm starting to think it was this kind of support that I've been missing all these years.  Sure, family and friends always encourage you and want the best for you...but you aren't able to get feedback from each and every one of them multiple times a day, so it's a little different.  You all are the magic I've been looking for!

You are My Precious!!!!!
But, enough about you...let's talk about me.  lol
Before my walk, I looked into my cardio trainer app and was surprised to see that I burned more calories walking slower/longer than I had walking faster for less time.  My 18 minute mile yesterday did not have a postive impact on the calories I burned.  :o(
At the beginning of my walk, I noticed that I was experiencing some discomfort in my right foot, heel, ankle and shin.  It's wasn't painful or disabling, just a little sore from exercising yesterday.  (Even after my morning workout, I ended up doing more walking than usual just in the process of getting things done for the day...)  In addition, it was so hot and humid that I felt as if I was trying to breathe underwater.  You know how inhaling steam can help clear up chest congestion?  It actually started to have the same affect on me - honestly.  But, I honestly thought about this little quote I had on Pinterest and just smiled.

With all of these factors in mind, I decided - instead of pushing myself to increase my speed today - that I would instead focus on increasing my time & distance.
I was unable to sleep more than an hour last night, so not even my playlist could get me quite as enthused as I had hoped.
I thought:  Today's walk is going to be harder than yesterday.  It's not going to be as enjoyable or invigorating.  But boy - everyone is going to be so much prouder that I pushed myself through it!
And that's what kept me going...ever time my cardio app would tell me my speed or my distance or my time, I'd think of how proud my Chubby Chasers would be that I kept on going in spite of everything and, eventually, I forgot that my foot and heel and ankle and shin were ever hurting.  It wasn't enjoyable, but I still wasn't in a rush for it to end because each tenth of a mile and each minute was a tiny victory for me, and I celebrated with a momentary smile before huffing on.

So, with all of this said and done, how did I do?
39.79 Minutes
1.97 Miles
387 Calories Burned
Average 2.9 mph
3,172 Steps
Not too shabby, am I right?  lol 
Plus, I noticed during today's walk that the shirt I chose to work out in because it was loose and now too loose and uncomfortable.  It was continuously falling off my shoulders and - as I swung my arms with each step - I noticed I could feel the skin of my arms rubbing against the skin of my rib cage because the sleeves were too baggie.
Rest in Peace, comfy baggie workout shirt.  :o(  tee hee hee
There was one other factor that was motivating me to push myself through this morning's walk.  Today is weigh-in and, I must sadly report a 7.6 lb weight gain since last Monday.  :o(
I absolutely could not believe it, so I weighed myself over and over again and - although the scale did go lower and lower each consecutive time - it ultimately proved that I did indeed gain weight this week.
Of course, it was disappointing and disheartening.  And, of course, I take it very seriously.  (I just thought of something - if an event can be disheartening...can it also be heartening? I so need to look that up later...)
However, without making excuses, I must also acknowledge the possibility that I could be retaining water, I may be PMSing or any other number of factors that could account for the weight gain.  Ultimately, sitting around and moping about it isn't going to fix anything.  If I really have gained almost 8 lbs, I seriously, seriously doubt that it is all water weight...I'm just trying to be realistic without being too hard/too easy on myself. that I'm over the bronchitis and both of my parents are on their way to recovery...I've rebooted myself.  Introducing, CHUCHI 2.0!  I was starting to slack off on things a little more each was just so much easier to order fast food while I've been running around and, since I was staying under my calories, I kept forgiving myself for little splurges.  Thankfully, this was the wake up call that I needed to get my butt back in gear!  Hallelujah - I've been saved!   tee hee hee

For those of you challenging me this month - don't go thinking your off this hook cuz I fully intend to lose this weight and STILL come after you money!!!  So, get those wallets ready!  lol

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