Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 17: *Sniff-Sniff*

Had a terrible time sleeping last night.  My nose has been stuffy for several days now and last night only got worse.  My nose is so stuffy and my sinuses are so clogged up that I was unable to get any real rest, my nose actually hurts and I have a terrible sinus headache.  Had to call out of work and then spent the rest of the day falling asleep off and on in the living room.

Tried couscous for the first time with dinner.  The variety I bought was supposed to be garlic and olive oil flavored.  My only complaint was that it was very dry, but a little "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" went a long way to improving it.  Some steamed broccoli really hit the spot as well.  I haven't been very hungry - ate a couple of mozzarella sticks for breakfast and stuck to cereal for lunch.  Came in under my caloric goals for the day.

Between not feeling well and some minor emotional drama, today is the kind of day where I would have typically drowned my emotions in junk food, but I didn't.  I can take a little bit of pleasure and pride in that, even if I'm not particularly feeling overjoyed.

Trying another nosespray tonight and hoping for some relief before the very early shift I agreed to work tomorrow morning.  If nothing else, I'll be satisfied if I can just breathe and get over this really nasty sinus headache.

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