Thursday, August 9, 2012


As predicted last night - DAY 4 KICKED ASS!

So, my day started off with a message from my friend L.M., who has already pledged $1/lb for August to ALS research.  Thanks to her word-of-mouth, another of her friends also pledged $1/lb as well.  Then today, she messages me to tell me that her brother-in-law, R.M., has pledged $2/lb for August!  Isn't that generous?  That brings my weight loss for August up to $6.40 a lb for charity!  I'M WORTH AS MUCH AS HAM!  (And, fittingly so.  lol)

Between failing miserably yesterday and recieving this news this morning, it was just the kick in the ass I needed to really get going.

I started off by going grocery shopping.  Some healthier choices should help me to navigate around my cravings for the junk food that are still in the house.  Chocolate was a necessity, so I picked up a box of Slim Fast Bars.  I already knew I liked the Peanut Butter, but the Double Chocolate was a terrific surprise.  That list of super foods included almonds, so I bought a box of 100 calorie packs that I can grab quickly and take with me as needed.  I like yogurt - specifically activia - but all the sites are STRONGLY recommending Fat-Free Greek Yogurt, so I picked up a small pack of Oikos to try.  We'll see how that goes.  I stocked up on Chocolate Slim Fast Shakes, as those are always a great option when I don't have time for a full meal (instead of skipping it completely), and they are also a great snack.  Also threw in a few bottles of vitamin water - mostly energize, revive and attention to help boost my energy and focus.

Then, I got adventurous.  As I said in my last post, I really need to broaden my culinary horizons if I'm going to get through this.  I can't just give up on all the things I love and expect to succeed; I need to also find new things to love.  So, don't judge me, but I bought berries for the first time.  I love blueberries in baked goods (Mmm...blueberry muffins!  Delish!), but have never tried them fresh.  I was surprised that the one berry I tried didn't have nearly as much flavor, but its ability to stain my entire mouth blue was amazing.  Other "to-try" items from my super foods list: raspberries, blackberries, grapefruit, a fresh pear and hass avocado.  I've tried some of these things many, many years ago, or I've tried them canned, etc.   I've also been curious by the star fruit, so I popped one of those in my cart as well.  In the rice aisle, a friendly cuban woman helped me to find a can of pre-seasoned black beans that are supposed to be ready to eat.  Supposedly, I just pop the can open and pour it over the brown rice I bought and it should be just like my favorite restaurant.  We'll see about that.  I found an easy Latin Red Bean and Rice boxed meal that is supposed to be really easy to fix and, since couscous is highly recommended, I found one that was preseasoned and easy to fix.  Once  I know what the hell it is I'm eating and how it tastes, I can start worrying about going back to the fresh items and trying to make it myself.  Also bought a bag of Kale so that I can finally make a batch of the kale chips I've been hearing about.

My prize for the day?  *Drum Roll Please*  GREEN TEA!  I can't believe it!  After all the years in my past that I tried green tea and it immediately made me throw up, I actually found one that I ENJOY!  I don't know if it is the particular tea that made the difference, the fact that I am older and my tastes have changed, my DESIRE for it to work, or maybe a combination of the three, but I had a bottle of Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus, and it was fantastic!  Furthermore, No Calories, No Carbs, No Fat, No Sugar....Can it get any better than that?!  I bought a case of it from BJ's and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.  I really was determined to drink that damned case no matter drink it till I grew to like it...but this is SO much better than that plan!  I can't believe I'm this freaking excited over green tea, but there you have it.

In doing research, I've noticed something different this time that I don't remember ever seeing a focus on before.  Fiber.  The 25 superfoods said it over and over and over again.  "Fiber" this and "fiber" that.  So, I figured it wouldn't hurt for me to look for a fiber substitute as well, just to make sure I was getting my daily recommended dosage (since that apparently makes a difference).  I jumped for joy when I saw the Fiber Gummies.  Seriously?!  I can get my fiber from a gummy bear?!  You can't be serious!  But, not only could I get my fiber from two delicious, 5 calorie gummies - it provided more fiber than all of the other choices!  The other maxed out at 10% of the daily value while the gummies provided 20%.  Hell yeah, sign me up for that!  Needless to say, I had two of them in my mouth before I finished loading my groceries into the car.  lol  (Don't worry, I know not to over do it.)

By the time I ate dinner - ordered beef with brocolli from my favorite chinese restaurant and skipped the rice - I was still 2,016 calories under my recommended daily intake.  Can you believe that?  I didn't starve myself AT ALL today - in fact, four hours after dinner I am still completely sated.  Plus, I was totally honest on the calculator.  In fact, I'm under all of my daily maximums - I'm under carbs and fat as well.  Of course, I don't want to do this every single day because going under all the time can cause it's own set of problems, but it is exciting to see that I can be fully satisfied and happy AND under my counts for the day.  It IS possible!

So, I went for my first walk today.  The last time I went for a random walk, I really pushed myself.  It was about two years ago and, I think I went for a walk cuz I was just stressed or energized or aggravated or something.  I ended up walking for over two hours - with regular breaks to catch my breath - and calculated that I walked close to three miles.  Sure, I had mild heat stroke and exhaustion when I came back home, but I was proud of myself to an extent because it had been so long since I had challenged myself physically.  Of course, I wanted to be smarter about it this time.  I prepared my ice water, wore appropriate clothing and shoes, sprayed sunscreen on my exposed skin and walked as close to sunset as possible.  But, the truth was, I intended to walk that same path and push myself for at least an hour.

It was less than ten minutes in when I came to realize how terribly out of shape I was.  I walked from my home, down the block to the park where there is a track and, before my feet touched the track, I was already out of breath.  I wasn't even rushing...just walking at my normal pace...and yet, I was gasping for air.  I was saddened by how very bad my condition was, but determined to push myself as much as I could.  I finished one lap around the long track and made it home at exactly 30 minutes.  I was hot, my face beat red, my skin slick from sunscreen and perspiration, but proud for having pulled through at least what I had.  It was slightly disheartening when I entered the information into to found that I had only burned an estimated 208 calories out of the recommended 403, but - I don't think anything can bring me down today.  Instead, I realized that - with my exercise, I am currently 2,224 calories under for the day, and with two hours left till midnight, I have no desire for food at the moment.  Now, I know what my physical limit is and I can begin to work towards improving it, a little at a time.

Last night was rough but today...I just feel like I can do this.  I know this feeling is fleeting...I've been through this before...but that's not going to stop me from just taking a moment and enjoying it while it lasts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to take a much deserved shower and, maybe cool down with a nice Green Tea.  Ha, never thought I'd here myself say THAT.  ;o)

UPDATE:  I like the pear.  Star Fruit isn't bad - a little tart, but otherwise unforgettable.  Kale Chips are HORRENDOUS!  Tried some with garlic salt and some with a nacho cheese popcorn topping, but NOTHING can seem to cover the bitter taste which stays with you for hours afterward.  Who in the hell would recommend that?


  1. I don't know why kale chips were ever even invented. Great day today! Good luck to you!

  2. I have friends on FB who are telling me I'm wrong, because they've never tasted bitter to them, and my Dad ate them as if he enjoyed them. One friend suggested that we might just be wired differently. At least I can make these for my dad and not feel guilty about throwing the entire bag away!

  3. Update: Dad changed his mind. Through out the Kale today. lol


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