Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 18: *Sniff*

Nothing much to report today.  I've been huffing nosespray numerous times today trying to clear up my sinuses.  Finally, my right nostril seems to be cooperating, but the left nostril is a rebel.  I'm praying my sinuses and asthma give in enough that I can fit in a work out tomorrow and Saturday.

My father treated me and my mother to Outback Steakhouse tonight.  I had over 1,000 calories left and I figured I knew how to eat properly, so I wasn't that worried.  My mom and I shared their $15 four-course meal deal.  I got a house salad with Ranch (tried for Italian, but they didn't have any) and gave mom the potato soup.  We split a filet, she had the mashed potatos and I ordered  a side of broccoli (Outback Broccoli is to die for!)  The dessert was donated to my father.

I was very proud of myself, but when I input the meal into later, I was dissapointed to find that I had blown through my fat goals for the day by 40 grams.  I'm pretty sure it was the bit of blooming onion that did me in.  An Alli pill might have helped but, by the time I realized the damage, taking a pill would have kept me up all night long running to the bathroom.  Live and learn.  On the plus side, I was still under my calories and carbs for the day and was loaded up with protein.

Sadly, after looking into my finances, I've discovered that I have some matters that need taking care of, so joining Curves is off the table for the time being.  My father very generously offered to pay for my membership as a sign of solidarity and to support my serious efforts to get healthy this time around, but I simply wouldn't feel comfortable accepting that.  Instead, there are plenty of free ways for me to get in shape for the time being, and joining Curves will just have to be another one of my goals to work towards.

Meanwhile, it appears that I might be influencing two other people to eat healthier, and that motivates me to no end.  While shopping today in preparation for an incoming Tropical Storm, my mom excitedly told me about all the labels she read.  As I helped her unload groceries, she proudly spouted off different statistics, telling me how she bought the brand that was better.  She even very proudly told me that she really wanted to buy some chocolate, but she didn't.  I teased her, telling her that I'm sure she could have bought the chocolate, eaten it in the car and then destroyed the evidence.  She laughed, telling me that she did think about it, but instead, she opened up a snack pack of apples that she bought for the house and munched on those.  How amazing would it be if, this time around, I not only pulled this off for myself but I managed to make my parents' lives better too?!


  1. You've influenced me as well. I haven't had a dessert since you started whereas I'd been having them daily. I've been jogging daily resting for 2 days after 5 consecutive days. So, a big thanks from me and my wallet as my jeans were being worn unbuttoned & I can't afford new ones. :) Keep up the good work!

  2. Great Post! I hope that you get through the hurricane unscathed!
    I'm glad that you are making a difference in your parents' lives, too! It was nice that your dad offered the membership. It shows his support for your success. :D

  3. Wow Herekittykitty - that's fantastic! You're showing me up, big time! You go, girl! :o)

    Spunky - thanks for the compliment. To be quite honest, we are currently facing a tropical storm, but it is expected to produce hurricane force winds. The expectations are that it won't be safe to go outdoors, there may be some flooding and some minor property damage, but no one is currently expecting any severe problems from this storm. As for my parents - they are terrific. I couldn't ask for more. :o)


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