Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Days 15 & 16: Blah, Blah, Blah

I am not a morning person.

I am not a "wake up early" person.

I am not an exercise enthusiast.

Therefore, you can sort of get an idea as to what it is like for me to wake up at 5 am - nearly four hours early for work - in order to eat breakfast, digest and go walking before sunrise at 6:50 am.  (Otherwise, the Florida sun is BRUTAL.)

But, I did it.  And, as my groggy, cranky ass was heating up my oatmeal, it suddenly occurred to me that TODAY WAS WEIGH-IN!

I excitedly pull out the scale, place it on the same tile (for consistent results) and hop on.  It read "345.3."  I shook my head because, that would mean that I lost 15 lbs in a week, and that just doesn't seem likely.  I let the scale reset and try again.  This time, I weigh in at 352.7 - an 8 lb loss.  I try a third time.  And then a fourth.  And a fifth.  I keep getting on, figuring I will know it's right when I get the same weight twice.  But ten, eleven, twelve times in, my weight is still fluctuating between 345 and 359 - though more often than not below 350.

Now, my oatmeal is in the microwave getting cold, and the microwave keeps beeping to remind me it's in there.  I've given up on one tile and have now moved the scale onto two other tiles to see if that will help.  My father walks over and stands on the scale, confirming that he weighs the same as he did yesterday.  He allows it to reset, steps back on and confirms that he just recieved the same weight yet again.  WTH?

So, I tell him to sit down, I pull the scale right over to him and ask him to watch as I stand on it to a) make sure I am standing on it properly and b) tell me what weight it says.  Sadly, because of my belly, I have to bend over to see the display on the scale, so I'm thinking if I can stand up tall and straight, it might give me an accurate reading twice.

One of the biggest perks of my job:  free food.  We get free breakfast/lunch every single friday.  Cake, cookies and snacks for every holiday.  Leftovers from each manager's meeting on Mondays.  Whenever there is a big project going on (like the annual store inventory yesterday), there is a treasure trove of snacks available.
First thing this morning:  my supervisor offers me some candy that is right in front of my register.  I decline.
Go the the lunchroom on my break - turn my back on the goodies while munching on my light cheese strip.
The junk food (which would normally be gone within 5 minutes) is still there during my lunch break while I eat some potatoes and broccoli with a drizzling of cheese sauce.
When I go in for my final break, I gratefully notice that the sour cream and cheddar chips are FINALLY gone, but I struggle to ignore the Doritos while I half-heartedly eat my fat free Greek yogurt with blueberries.

After a nine hour shift, the rest of the spread STILL REMAINS in the lunch room to taunt me as I get ready to go home.  With my purse on my shoulder and my empty lunch bag and water in one hand, I pass by the table, reach into the bag or Ranch Doritos, grab on broken piece of chip and haul ass for the exit, as if the junk food is going to grow legs and chase after me, insisting that I eat it.
I popped the 1/3 of a chip into my mouth and - Sweet Jesus, Lord and Savior - have they always had that much flavor?  I'm usually a pretty fast eater, but I swear to you that I chewed on that chip for a good 2 or 3 minutes before I finally swallowed it.

Right in front of my father, with him coaching me where to put my feet and confirming that I am doing everything right, I weigh myself for the 13 time.  The 14th time give me yet another reading, as does the 15th time.  Pissed off, I put the scale back and focus on reheating my oatmeal.  However, not knowing my weight nags at me, considering how anxiously I have waited, so I take another stab at it, thinking that I might be more calm now and better able to do it properly.

The next five times all yield different results, so I average out the three weights that were within the 350/360 mark (as all the other weights were in the 340's and it seems unlikely to me that I would have lost more than 10 lbs in a week).  Those three weights averaged out to 354.4, so I settled on that as my weight for the day - but its been bugging me ever since and I feel like I MUST get an answer tomorrow.

With my unknown weight gnawing at my brain, I did eat my oatmeal, walked 1.7 miles in 32 minutes before sunrise, and followed up with an electrolyte drink and protein snacks before heading in to work on time.  Did a lot of walking at work by putting back unwanted groceries and then doing laps in the liquor store while covering my coworker's breaks.

Tried to weigh myself at work, but the scales on display are now missing batteries and we don't sell the lithium batteries that they require, so that was a bust as well.

After work, I stopped by my local Curves to check out their prices.  I exercised there about four years ago before I was laid off from my last job, and ABSOLUTELY loved it!  I never felt out of place - even when the thinner women came in, there was always a sense of comraderie and support.  The workout was excellent and always left me feeling proud and energized.  They have a terrific deal going on right now: $121 for the first month and then only $39 every month after that.  Plus, they are offering other things now like nutrition classes and Zumba.  I would really LOVE to join again, so that I have a rainy day place to work out and get some real resistance training.  Plus, the employees there are educated and can give me a more accurate weight and measurements.  However, the hours are TERRIBLE and I really don't have the money.  I have till the end of August to decide before this deal changes.

Day 16 was a lazy, lazy day.  I seriously slept through the grand majority of the day and watched tv for the rest of it - which often made me doze off again.  My nose has been terribly stuffy lately and because I can't breathe, I'm not getting enough rest when I sleep.  Even my CPap isn't helping because it is supposed to force air through my nose...which is clogged up.  I'm using nosespray and Zytec and a Neti Pot, but I'm only getting minimal relief for a couple of hours at best.  On the plus side, my sleepiness left little time for eating, so I used up less than half of my calories for the day.  That should make up for not getting off my ass for 24 hours, right?

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